Uproar on the Lake Shore was by far the best tournament that I have ever been to. When we arrived at the venue to set up our booth everyone from the Windy City staff was so awesome and very helpful! Quadzilla and I would like to thank everyone for coming to the booth and giving us positive feedback on the new Antik boots. I know the anticipation for both the Gumball Toe Stops and Antik boots is off the charts but don't worry, you will not have to wait long! Uproar on the lake shore had some amazing games, many that we will never forget. Congratulations to Rocky Mountain for never giving up and taking the Hydra back to Denver!
Also, congratulations to the Windy City Rollers for bringing an AWESOME fan base to the event. I have been to a lot of tournaments and have never seen that many fans EVERY day at a tournament.
We know that the Big Five tournament season is over, but that does not mean GRN MNSTR Roller Sports stops! Make sure you check out Quadzilla down in Cincinnati this weekend... you KNOW that he will have them Antik boots there to try on!
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